Goiterzan/Amygdalai Lama

Goiterzan/Amygdalai Lama

加入于 · 2024-09-01 13:41:53

Here's my book,
The Spanking Gene
in blog format, this is the blog with links to all sixteen chapters.
The Table of Contents includes a summary of each entry which also starts each entry.
But basically, it follows the form and substance of
except that I wrote my own introduction and theirs is my second chapter and so their chapter one is addressed in my Chapter Three, and that’s the pattern throughout, their thirteenth I deal with in my fifteenth.
Sounds like "Paperback Writer," you put it like that, huh. Based on a book by a lady named Eisler.😘 It's more than that, though.
It's Neurodiversity Theory from the Dark Side, from the Divergent side I think, the “Autistic truth," about Neurodiversity theory, history and prehistory with genes and Neurotypes.
It's an origin story for the Neurodivergent. ❤️
“For” the Neurodivergent - not “about,” the Neurodivergent.
