Robot Sensitive content@natsunohomura@m.cmx.im
(我在街上只会回应一种人:看起来如果要打架的话绝对会输给我的人。真是在这个地方can’t afford to be polite)
I don't hate having friends. I want to have friends. I just hate making friends. I need to go directly to the point of 'what do you think is the most despicable hypocrisy in modern society' and 'if you have to kill a dog which one would you choose'. I can do small talks now, it's disgusting. I can talk about the weather for 15 minutes. But then I wanna throw up.
I have no hope, rage, or love, but I also don’t have a mortgage, a stabilised vision of life, or a plan for anything at all. I’m just running away from all the realities as they suffocate me.
Also most big companies are evil at their core but Microsoft is the only one that invented Teams so fuck you Microsoft .