🧃[您本地的傳送門服務] 哎呀!發生了意外錯誤\\
Robot Sensitive content@kozumekenma@m.cmx.im
I can't stop sleeping, I can't feel anything and I can't stop sleeping. I hate this middle state of a room being half-packed but I have no energy to deal with it right now. I was sleeping the whole day on this bed covered with clothes and hangers. I had 1803 dreams. When is it gonna end, I don't like phases.
剛才發現Ingeborg Bachmann和Paul Celan的Briefwechsel... 又發現2016這部Die Geträumten... 沒有太多評論,但是看完trailor覺得頭皮發麻精神震撼,,我覺得書信就是要這樣被念出來的,好震撼。
Things are fairly smooth for us recently. I think of it as my first real romantic relationship.I do hope this is the only one I'll ever experience. I've been getting this feeling these months that love is a craft. Much as I love things that take time and patience and most importantly passion, I can't afford the price of burning myself alive in it. It's something in myself that I fear.
scritto was, okay. i just hope the code part is higher than 5/6. could have done better. Every time. the heat is NOT fun.
waiting for my dinner, a pair of people, one girl and one guy waiting beside me. Gosh all the time the guy just won't shut up or even pause a bit. How do you have this much to say all the time. The girl prolly just asked how he had been lol. Chill out, plz. Be chill with the talking guys.
Non ho nessuna voglia o intenzione dei comunicazioni interpersonali oggi.
Lasciami stare oppure fa mi morire. Comunque grazie.
Cordiali Saluti
昨天回家路上在家樓下的路邊喝酒的人看到我說 "miku?",對方也沒有什麽別的意思,大概只是說頭髮顔色。 我走了幾步菜轉過來對那個人無奈地搖了搖頭,意思是”今天晚上運氣真是不太好,我只是想安靜地走路。"