Philip Fan
Philip Fan
Robot Sensitive
Joined in · 2024-03-23 13:43:03
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不得不感叹美国人把法律做到何等高度!中国所有法律我学仨月全会融会贯通了,美国光一部移民法我七年如一日地学习,天天抱着法律条文和判例看,还是觉得越学需要学的越多,就像大海一样无边无际,真是感觉再学下去就快走火入魔了。 田律师都很惊讶,怎么你这个人几年前申请个485还需要我帮忙,现在很多方面比我还门儿清?🤣🤣🤣
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之前有网友让我详细讲讲Advance Parole(以下将称为回美纸),我为什么能够给我庇护等面谈期间的朋友申请到回美纸?我鉴于之前太忙一直未能如其所愿,现在予以补上。首先要说一下回美纸是什么:我就不讲那么多的法律定义,通俗地说回美纸就是特定条件下的再入境许可,那么条件是什么呢,通常亲属移民在递交I~485申请绿卡的时候都会顺手递交一个I-131申请一个回美纸,这就是回美纸最常见的用途。但很多人被毫无法律水平的移民律师或者中介误导,导致不知道的是其实I-589在等庇护面谈期间也是可以申请到回美纸的,只是这种回美纸跟I-485一起递交131申请的回美纸适用的美国移民法条款不同(I-485的回美纸引用的法条是INA 212 (d) 11;而庇护等面谈期间的回美纸引用的是INA 212 (d) 5。),所以基于庇护等面谈期间的回美纸是需要满足一定的条件才能申请。那条件是什么呢?我觉得可以借用支国政府疫情防控期间的政策用语方便理解,即“非必要,不旅行”,也就是说庇护等面谈的回美纸不能无条件申请,而是需要有客观上必须要出国的理由,最常见的包括但不限于中国的亲人病危或者离世,需要回国奔丧;自己得了病需要到别国或者回中国治;被美国公司派遣需要出美国出差;受美国之外组织的邀请需要出国参加重要活动等。而亲属移民I-485审理期间的回美纸由于引用的是NA 212 (d) 11则可以用任何理由去申请,根本不要求“非必要,不旅行”。如果需要知道自己能否申请回美纸,请私信或者根据我置顶推上的联系方式联系我评估。
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分享一个移民法条款网友们在给移民局或者国会议员写信进行庇护催面谈的时候可以引用:8 U.S. Code § 1158 (or INA 208) (d) 5 A (ii) and (iii),法律大致意思是如果案件没有特殊情况,庇护案件递交上去之后面谈必须要在45天内安排,并且庇护案件审理结果必须要在递交后180内给出。
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"Forgetting you", rewritten in English from 《그대를 잊는다는 건》 by Philip Fan
When I'm first looking at you, it seems like the world stopped
As the breeze, although I cannot see but I'm still obsessed with it.
I admit that you bright my life in the lonely night
So, I can't control my heart goes towards you
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I'll hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
Even if the world is end on today, I'll be not forgetting you
Your steely eyes made me feel confident and dependable
Do you know my heart belongs you at our first sight?
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I'll hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
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"Forgetting you", rewritten in English from 《그대를 잊는다는 건》 by Philip Fan
When I'm first looking at you, it seems like the world stopped
As the breeze, although I cannot see but I'm still obsessed with it.
I admit that you bright my life in the lonely night
So, I can't control my heart goes towards you
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I'll hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
Even if the world is end on today, I'll be not forgetting you
Your steely eyes made me feel confident and dependable
Do you know my heart belongs you at our first sight?
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
t you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I'll hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
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"Forgetting you", rewritten in English from 《그대를 잊는다는 건》 by Philip Fan
When I'm first looking at you, it seems like the world stopped
As the breeze, although I cannot see but I'm still obsessed with it.
I admit that you bright my life in the lonely night
So, I can't control my heart to goes towards you
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I will hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
Even if the world is end on today, I'll be not forgetting you
Your steely eyes made me feel confident and dependable
Do you know my heart belongs you at our first sight?
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
t you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I will hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
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"Forgetting you", rewritten in English from 《그대를 잊는다는 건》 by Philip Fan
When I'm first looking at you, it seems like the world stopped
As the breeze, although I cannot see but I'm still obsessed with it.
I admit that you bright my life in the lonely night
So, I can't control my heart to goes towards you
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I'll hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
Even if the world is end on today, I'll be not forgetting you
Your steely eyes made me feel confident and dependable
Do you know my heart belongs you at our first sight?
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night
Let me free to love you in the rest of life.
Because your face was engraved into my soul
Darling, do you know how difficult to love you?
I can't breath without you and I'm dying
t you and I'm dying
Just shout my name out and I'll hear it whatever where I'm
Darling, oh~ remember that I have a heart with unstoppable love
Don't stop your heartbeat of love and let me feel it every second
And I couldn't control myself to miss you day and night