Biden tests positive for COVID, will return home to Delaware
President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, and will return to Delaware to isolate while continuing to work.
Orca 🌻 | 🎀 | 🪁 | 🏴🏳️⚧️
Robot Sensitive content@Orca@nya.one
拜登得新冠了 :anenw16:
RE: mastodon.tucsonsent...
President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, and will return to Delaware to isolate while continuing to work.
我的联系人 (不可选)
没有人 (不可选)
嗷,大会员的套路属实给你杜叔叔整会了 :nachoneko_10:
#Telegram #TelegramPremium
RE: hci.social/users/fa...
Attached: 1 image Pay-to-disable is the future of UX and monetisation of AI features.
let's pour salt water on cops car then! :neocat_googly_blep:
RE: infosec.exchange/us...
虽然实际上我不用 Notepad++ 是从我转用 Linux 开始的,但那个”我会偷偷损坏你的文件“确实是 deal breaker 。这让我下决心即使用 Windows 也不要用 Notepad++ 。
再说 Linux 上面那些文本编辑器也挺强悍的。
#NotepadPlusPlus #npp
如果你忘了或者不知道这位说了什么的话 (📎1) RE: 即使偶尔要用Windows我也不会再用Notepad++了。 上次开发者“开的玩笑”我可还没忘哦。 :anenw05: RN: ...
我去,仔细一看,这帖子里说的还不是“如果你不支持我的政治观点”,而是“如果你不支持它的政治观点”(If you don’t agree with its politics views)
RE: nya.one/notes/9jap9...
如果你忘了或者不知道这位说了什么的话 (📎1) RE: 即使偶尔要用Windows我也不会再用Notepad++了。 上次开发者“开的玩笑”我可还没忘哦。 :anenw05: RN: ...
@heyjoe@m.cmx.im misskey 和 pleroma 系列的 activitypub 实例上可以对帖子发送单个 emoji(包括custom emoji)作为 reaction,但这个在 mastodon 上不可见 :neocat_angel_pleading:
@heyjoe@m.cmx.im misskey 和 pleroma 系列的 activitypub 实例上可以对帖子发送单个 emoji(包括custom emoji)作为 reaction,但这个在 mastodon 上不可见 :neocat_angel_pleading:
Maybe, just maybe, instead of apologizing for being a bother to others, thank others for their company instead?
P.S. company as in n. companionship .
127,000 New York Workers Have Been Victims of Wage Theft
An analysis of federal and state databases sheds new light on the prevalence and scale of wage theft in New York restaurants and other industries, placing the total wages stolen in one five-year period at more than $203 million
An analysis of federal and state databases sheds new light on the prevalence and scale of wage theft in New York restaurants and other industries, placing the total wages stolen in one five-year period at more than $203 million.
fail2ban 只有一名核心开发者,和3名 github sponsors。
有闲钱的系统管理员都来赞助一点吧? 😿
RE: grafana.social/user...
Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors - fail2ban/fail2ban
There is no place for political violence against rich, white men. It is antithetical to everything America stands for.
Ben Ehrenreich
明白人 :nachoneko_10:
I don't fucking understand why GNOME decided to make Alt-Tab hotkey to "Switch Applications" instead of "Switch Windows" by default. WHY??? Why would anyone want to SWITCH APPLICATIONS???
“The idea that there’s political violence … in America like this, is just unheard of, it’s just not appropriate,” said President Joe Biden, the backer of Israel’s genocidal war against Palestine, with a death toll that researchers believe could reach 186,000 Palestinians. Biden’s narrower point was correct, though: Deadly attacks on the American ruling class are vanishingly rare these days. Political violence that is not “like this” — the political violence of organized abandonment, poverty, militarized borders, police brutality, incarceration, and deportation — is commonplace.
RE: journa.host/users/t...
The Trump rally shooting in Pennsylvania reveals a bipartisan consensus about what constitutes political violence — and who should wield it.
RE: mastodon.social/use...
Attached: 1 image When the sun is out, you'll find us enjoying a post lunch ice cream at our local ice cream shop 😎🍦 Let us know your favorite #flavour below 👇 #Tuta #Germany #privacy #companyculture #summervibes
fun fact: teachers (instead of students) are the first to start using shadow libraries because they can't afford textbooks :anenw16:
And now Mozilla is adding WHAT? :anenw16:
RE: phpc.social/users/r...
20多名巴勒斯坦人说他们莫名其妙地被微软封禁了帐号,导致他们无法使用 Skype (被用于 通过电话的方式在互联网中断时 联系困在加沙地区的亲人)和电子邮件等通信服务。
#AllEyesOnPalestine #Microsoft
RE: mastodon.social/use...
More than 20 Palestinians say they have been kicked off Skype, a popular tool for contacting relatives.
一辆停在宾夕法尼亚州的超充站的特斯拉突然自燃。 :anenw16:
RE: mastodon.social/use...
A Tesla parked at a Supercharging station in Pennsylvania goes up in flames, destroying the car and resulting in a temporary road closure.
In the initial week after the release of the statistics, multiple posts by Chinese fans were translated and shared in the Western world, such as a thread of comments in a Bluesky thread shared by Angie Wang. And Zimozi Natsuco, a genre fan from China, published an essay on File770 describing shock and anger at what happened while also giving a glimpse behind the scenes at what might have gone down.
However, in recent weeks posts like these from Chinese fans have been harder to find. According to a report by Ersatz Culture on File770 released on January 27 (see item #8 at link), posts related to the Hugo Awards controversy in China began disappearing around this time.
This report’s authors attempted to reach out to Chinese genre fans for comment, but did not receive any responses in time to include in this report.
An explanation for what might be happening came from Pablo Vazquez, a traveling genre fan and former chair of the 12th North American Science Fiction Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Vazquez is also well known for his connections with genre fans around the world.
When Vazquez was asked if he could help connect the authors with any fans in China who might comment for this report, he said “I’m sorry. They do not want to speak to the media even anonymously.”
As Vasquez stated in a follow-up comment, “I have a lot of love for Chinese fandom and my friendships and connections there run deep. That's a real and vibrant fandom there that is, like us, wanting very little to do with their government being involved in their fandom. They definitely don't think it's their government and instead think it's corporate interests or, even worse, a fan/pro organization. Honestly, they seem more scared by that than anything else which saddens me to see and despite multiple attempts to get them to share their story they seem really hesitant.”
He elaborated further: “They don't seem to fear official reprisal (the CPC seems to want to find who's responsible for embarrassing them on the world stage actually) but rather ostracization from their community or its outright destruction. If I were to hazard a guess, the way we blew up this affair in the international media has now put this fandom in very serious trouble. Previously, it was one of the few major avenues of free speech left in China. Now, after all this, the continuation of that freedom seems highly unlikely."
推特昨天把bellingcat(一家调查媒体)关于 俄罗斯导弹袭击乌克兰的儿童医院 的报道的链接标记为“可能含有风险”了。
看来马斯克很想和普京搞好关系 :anenw05:
RE: infosec.exchange/us...
RE: x.good.news/users/w...
检测结果以及对产品包装的检查显示,Nido和Cerelac的样本中添加了蔗糖或蜂蜜形式的糖,Nido是一种后续配方奶粉品牌,旨在用于一岁及以上的婴儿,cere lac是一种谷类食品,针对6个月至2岁的儿童。他…
Signal 开发者:对协议安全超级上心,对桌面客户端安全漠不关心。
感觉好像 Signal 做桌面客户端的最终目标就是“它工作”一样,连 Electron 的 sandbox 都关了。。。
Google Chrome 默认允许 google.com 及其子域名访问私有 API ,包括获取 CPU 利用率等 :nachoneko_8:
您可以尝试在访问 google 的子域名时在 debug console 中执行以下内容
It turns out Google Chrome (via Chromium) includes a default extension which makes extra services available to code running on the `*.google.com` domains - tweeted about today [by Luca Casonato](https://twitter.com/lcasdev/status/1810696257137959018), …