Sept 11, 2024: I’ve lived in Silicon Valley for many years, working in tech, and I’ve voted for Trump twice. So why am I now hoping Harris wins? Typically, politicians aren’t celebrated in their hometowns because people there know them too well. In the U.S., educated voters rarely idolize political figures; instead, they tend to be highly critical. When politicians do well, we consider it their duty. When they falter, they become the subject of our conversations, and we remember their missteps. Harris' political career in California is no exception to this. I spent the early part of my time in the U.S. studying and working on the East Coast before moving to Silicon Valley over 20 years ago. While I've witnessed the changes in the San Francisco Bay Area and still admire its tech innovation, I’m concerned about the conditions in San Francisco and Oakland, particularly regarding city appearance and public safety. I avoid driving to those areas lightly, as the risk of car break-ins has been high (though this has improved somewhat over the past 2-3 years). In 2016, I voted for Trump because the Democrats had been in power for eight years, and I didn’t want political dynasties dominating American politics. In 2020, I voted for him again because the economy had been relatively strong, even though he often misspoke and his behavior on the international stage was embarrassing. Despite that, I wanted to give him one more chance. What shattered my worldview was January 6, 2021. Trump, through his actions, nearly destroyed the U.S. Constitution and its democratic system. By the end of 2021, despite previously having little interest in politics, I created a Twitter account (to avoid relying solely on mainstream media and to access firsthand news). I began following the investigations into Trump’s attack on the Capitol and major events like Russia's invasion of Ukraine in early 2022. The more I learned, the more shocked, disappointed, and alarmed I became. These recent international and domestic crises have gradually revealed how Putin and Xi Jinping are distorting the world order, and how Trump is dividing the American people and undermining the country's responsibilities and values. From this debate, it’s clear Trump’s judgment is based on a web of lies. He and his team are adept at creating fear, capturing the loyalty of a segment of voters. While some of his policies have merit (such as advocating for U.S. energy independence), he lacks a global perspective, disrespects the Constitution and democratic system, and fails to grasp America’s role in the world. The essence of Trump’s MAGA rhetoric is isolationism and white supremacy, not traditional conservative values. This is precisely what Putin and Xi need. They want to see America divided, abandoning its allies and international responsibilities. A Trump return to power would be the perfect opportunity for Putin and Xi to make a comeback. This debate also made me realize that Harris has grown significantly more mature and confident since her time in California. Her policy statements aren’t flawless, and there are still major questions about how she plans to implement them without increasing the national deficit. Additionally, it’s unclear how far she will go in pursuing social equality or how she will preserve traditional American values. However, her four years as vice president have taught her, through Biden, the importance of uniting allies to stand up to dictators. With NATO and Asian allies on board, Putin and Xi’s attempts to upend the world order will not succeed! Domestic policies can be refined and improved through teamwork. America’s greatness comes from its system, not from any single wise leader or savior. A few mediocre presidents (like Carter or Ford) aren’t a problem as long as the Constitution and democratic system remain intact. Future presidents can bring things back on track, just as Reagan did. This is why I am a #NeverTrump and now I want Harris to win.